The OMS Chronicle Volume 1 Issue 2
Two new student journalists join the editorial team of The OMS Chronicle. Our new staffers are Amari Swader from 6th Grade and Abigail Terral from 7th Grade. Both have a passion for creative writing, but they will also contribute to writing informational articles. Now that they are part of an amazing editorial team, Amari and Abigail will have the opportunity to join the National Scholastic Press Association, just like the rest of the editors of The OMS Chronicle. With this exciting opportunity, our student journalists will be able to compete nationally for The Pacemaker 100. Please read our new journalists’ bios.
Abigail Terral
I'm 12 years old. I love to listen to music, bake, and play instruments. I play the clarinet and a bit of piano.
Amari Swader
I am sure you’ve all heard about the recent TikTok challenges that have occurred many times already. Some may require dangerous stunts or just fooling around with things that can cause problems. Some more recent ones require people to just simply take stuff from schools or other public places, and post about them like little antiques.
Photo by Tracy Le Blanc from Pexels |
Students will take away “learning experiences” just to do these silly trends. Some may do it just because they are rebellious; others may do it just to impress others. Whatever the reason is, it isn’t something that should be done in schools or in any public area considering it can lead to serious consequences. These trends need to stop and should especially not occur during a student’s learning time.
For you, learning might seem like a boring experience, but it can be fun if we ALL just simply try and listen to others and learn. I can already smell most of the hate comments this will get, but what I am saying is for the better of all of us. I’m sure most can agree so if you do, try and help others see what’s right and what isn’t. TikTok challenges could not only harm others, but it could also harm you.
What and what not to recycle in Murfreesboro, TN
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels |
Photo by Lara Jameson from Pexels |
The OMS Chronicle's Teacher of the Month: Mr. Edward "Clay" Morgan, 6th Grade ELAInterview ByCate Harper
Background Story
I was born in Memphis and grew up in a little place called Ellendale. After high school, where I lived in the principal's office, I went to the University of Memphis, where I promptly flunked out. I joined the Coast Guard, serving five years active duty and four years in the reserves. I later earned a bachelor's degree at MTSU (except for 3 credits which are from, of all places, Harvard!) and a master's degree at Western Governor's University. I've been teaching for seven years. I got into it because we adopted three girls and they needed a lot of time and attention - teaching gave me that. I have remained in teaching because I enjoy working with young people and see their growth and improvement.
Educational philosophy/mission in education
Mine is more of a goal. I simply want each student to read and write better when they leave my class than when they began. They may not like to read and write more, but they will be better at it.
How do you prepare for your classes?
I look at what worked and what didn't last year. Review Amplify, then start with success criteria. I work backward from there, ensuring the tasks and activities support that success criteria.
How do you nurture relationships in the classroom?
I approach my class with a simple idea. If you want to be treated like an adult, act like one. With sixth grade, we sometimes miss the boat, but that's OK. Sometimes I miss the boat and I'm 52.
How do you connect with students?
Related to above, but I just try to establish a good rapport with the students and have a little fun. Using stories and anecdotes from my life to help support academic lessons can help.
How would past students, peers or administrators describe you?
Well, frankly it depends. Generally, I think I have enjoyed being thought of as a teacher who exhibits a positive attitude, relates well with students and parents, and just generally works hard to help the kids grow.
What is the greatest success you've had with teaching?
It is hard to say. I just enjoy that moment when a student "gets it." I also love to see a student who develops a joy for reading. In high school, I just liked to see the young people as they make what is probably the first big "adult" decision of their lives - where to go to college, join the military, etc.
What do you think is the greatest challenge facing students today?
I think technology. It is a powerful tool and like any powerful tool, it can build but it can be destructive.
What is the greatest challenge facing teachers today?
Legislators who do not let educators educate.
What qualities make a great teacher?
You have to have a passion for three things - your content, the age/grades you teach, and the profession of teaching. Lots of traits, but you have to have a passion for these three areas.
Describe your worst teaching day. What did you learn from the experience?
Not a bad day, but while teaching seniors at Cane Ridge High, we had a bad snow storm but schools were not called until about 9 in the morning. The buses stopped running and several dropped their elementary and middle school students at our school. Next thing I know, as a high school teacher, I have elementary kids in my class I have to entertain until something is figured out. Lesson? Be flexible.
Any question you would like to ask us that we did not ask?
The OMS Chronicle's Student of the Month: Sloane Pawlowski, 6th Grade
Interview By Cate Harper
How do you study?
I usually study by going to my desk in my room and reading over all my notes and then sometimes practice reciting all my notes I memorized out loud.
How do you prioritize school and extra-curricular activities?
I always put school first, but to me it's also important to get involved in extracurricular activities to have new experiences and meet new people.
What is a valuable lesson you've learned as a student you would like to share?
That you should always work well with every partner and not get off task or you will not finish work.
What is your advice for students?
My advice for other students is to treat teachers with respect, do your homework every night like you are asked, be friends with everyone, and do not put each other down. You must rise people up.
What project or assignment challenged you the most as a student? Why?
The most challenging assignment I have had to do was the Dahl essay we wrote in ELA. I feel this way because it really put my writing skills to the test. I always try to do well, and this was a big part of my grade. I had to really think about how I worded things and my evidence.
What is the most useful math equation or theory you learned this year?
Long division because now I can solve math problems efficiently.
What was the longest paper you have ever written as a student in OMS? Who was it for? What was it about?
The longest paper I have ever written in OMS is our Dahl essay. I wrote it for Mrs. Egan, my ELA teacher. It was an opinion paper about if you thought Dahl and his friends caused more trouble or the adults in Dahl's book, Boy.
If you could conduct any science experiment in a class, what would it be? Do you have a hypothesis ready to go?
If I could conduct any experiment in science, I would choose to do a food experiment. For example, how does adding salt or sugar to ice make water freeze faster. When you are making ice-cream with just ice, it will take a while to freeze but when adding sugar or salt, it freezes faster. How does that work? Specifically, with this experiment I would not have a hypothesis ready but instead I would be ready to learn.
What was the most enjoyable book you had to read for school this year?
My favorite book we have had to read this year is Boy by Roald Dahl. I liked it because of the amount of detail they put into every single sentence.
Which subject do you think prepares you most for life after high school? Why?
I think the subject that prepares us most for after high school is ELA. I feel this way because you will have to read throughout all your life. You will also need to write all your life. Skills in ELA are very important for job interviews, college applications, and many more things you will need in life.
Background Story
I was born in Memphis and grew up in a little place called Ellendale. After high school, where I lived in the principal's office, I went to the University of Memphis, where I promptly flunked out. I joined the Coast Guard, serving five years active duty and four years in the reserves. I later earned a bachelor's degree at MTSU (except for 3 credits which are from, of all places, Harvard!) and a master's degree at Western Governor's University. I've been teaching for seven years. I got into it because we adopted three girls and they needed a lot of time and attention - teaching gave me that. I have remained in teaching because I enjoy working with young people and see their growth and improvement.
Educational philosophy/mission in education
Mine is more of a goal. I simply want each student to read and write better when they leave my class than when they began. They may not like to read and write more, but they will be better at it.
How do you prepare for your classes?
I look at what worked and what didn't last year. Review Amplify, then start with success criteria. I work backward from there, ensuring the tasks and activities support that success criteria.
How do you nurture relationships in the classroom?
I approach my class with a simple idea. If you want to be treated like an adult, act like one. With sixth grade, we sometimes miss the boat, but that's OK. Sometimes I miss the boat and I'm 52.
How do you connect with students?
Related to above, but I just try to establish a good rapport with the students and have a little fun. Using stories and anecdotes from my life to help support academic lessons can help.
How would past students, peers or administrators describe you?
Well, frankly it depends. Generally, I think I have enjoyed being thought of as a teacher who exhibits a positive attitude, relates well with students and parents, and just generally works hard to help the kids grow.
What is the greatest success you've had with teaching?
It is hard to say. I just enjoy that moment when a student "gets it." I also love to see a student who develops a joy for reading. In high school, I just liked to see the young people as they make what is probably the first big "adult" decision of their lives - where to go to college, join the military, etc.
What do you think is the greatest challenge facing students today?
I think technology. It is a powerful tool and like any powerful tool, it can build but it can be destructive.
What is the greatest challenge facing teachers today?
Legislators who do not let educators educate.
What qualities make a great teacher?
You have to have a passion for three things - your content, the age/grades you teach, and the profession of teaching. Lots of traits, but you have to have a passion for these three areas.
Not a bad day, but while teaching seniors at Cane Ridge High, we had a bad snow storm but schools were not called until about 9 in the morning. The buses stopped running and several dropped their elementary and middle school students at our school. Next thing I know, as a high school teacher, I have elementary kids in my class I have to entertain until something is figured out. Lesson? Be flexible.
Any question you would like to ask us that we did not ask?
Interview By Cate Harper
How do you study?
I usually study by going to my desk in my room and reading over all my notes and then sometimes practice reciting all my notes I memorized out loud.
How do you prioritize school and extra-curricular activities?
I always put school first, but to me it's also important to get involved in extracurricular activities to have new experiences and meet new people.
What is a valuable lesson you've learned as a student you would like to share?
That you should always work well with every partner and not get off task or you will not finish work.
What is your advice for students?
My advice for other students is to treat teachers with respect, do your homework every night like you are asked, be friends with everyone, and do not put each other down. You must rise people up.
What project or assignment challenged you the most as a student? Why?
The most challenging assignment I have had to do was the Dahl essay we wrote in ELA. I feel this way because it really put my writing skills to the test. I always try to do well, and this was a big part of my grade. I had to really think about how I worded things and my evidence.
What is the most useful math equation or theory you learned this year?
Long division because now I can solve math problems efficiently.
What was the longest paper you have ever written as a student in OMS? Who was it for? What was it about?
The longest paper I have ever written in OMS is our Dahl essay. I wrote it for Mrs. Egan, my ELA teacher. It was an opinion paper about if you thought Dahl and his friends caused more trouble or the adults in Dahl's book, Boy.
If you could conduct any science experiment in a class, what would it be? Do you have a hypothesis ready to go?
If I could conduct any experiment in science, I would choose to do a food experiment. For example, how does adding salt or sugar to ice make water freeze faster. When you are making ice-cream with just ice, it will take a while to freeze but when adding sugar or salt, it freezes faster. How does that work? Specifically, with this experiment I would not have a hypothesis ready but instead I would be ready to learn.
What was the most enjoyable book you had to read for school this year?
My favorite book we have had to read this year is Boy by Roald Dahl. I liked it because of the amount of detail they put into every single sentence.
Which subject do you think prepares you most for life after high school? Why?
I think the subject that prepares us most for after high school is ELA. I feel this way because you will have to read throughout all your life. You will also need to write all your life. Skills in ELA are very important for job interviews, college applications, and many more things you will need in life.
How do you study?
I usually study by going to my desk in my room and reading over all my notes and then sometimes practice reciting all my notes I memorized out loud.
How do you prioritize school and extra-curricular activities?
I always put school first, but to me it's also important to get involved in extracurricular activities to have new experiences and meet new people.
What is a valuable lesson you've learned as a student you would like to share?
That you should always work well with every partner and not get off task or you will not finish work.
What is your advice for students?
My advice for other students is to treat teachers with respect, do your homework every night like you are asked, be friends with everyone, and do not put each other down. You must rise people up.
What project or assignment challenged you the most as a student? Why?
The most challenging assignment I have had to do was the Dahl essay we wrote in ELA. I feel this way because it really put my writing skills to the test. I always try to do well, and this was a big part of my grade. I had to really think about how I worded things and my evidence.
What is the most useful math equation or theory you learned this year?
Long division because now I can solve math problems efficiently.
What was the longest paper you have ever written as a student in OMS? Who was it for? What was it about?
The longest paper I have ever written in OMS is our Dahl essay. I wrote it for Mrs. Egan, my ELA teacher. It was an opinion paper about if you thought Dahl and his friends caused more trouble or the adults in Dahl's book, Boy.
If you could conduct any science experiment in a class, what would it be? Do you have a hypothesis ready to go?
If I could conduct any experiment in science, I would choose to do a food experiment. For example, how does adding salt or sugar to ice make water freeze faster. When you are making ice-cream with just ice, it will take a while to freeze but when adding sugar or salt, it freezes faster. How does that work? Specifically, with this experiment I would not have a hypothesis ready but instead I would be ready to learn.
What was the most enjoyable book you had to read for school this year?
My favorite book we have had to read this year is Boy by Roald Dahl. I liked it because of the amount of detail they put into every single sentence.
Which subject do you think prepares you most for life after high school? Why?
I think the subject that prepares us most for after high school is ELA. I feel this way because you will have to read throughout all your life. You will also need to write all your life. Skills in ELA are very important for job interviews, college applications, and many more things you will need in life.
Staff Spotlight: Mr. Anthony Seal, 8th Grade Counselor and 504 CoordinatorInterview ByCate Harper
Where are you from? Mississippi Gulf CoastWhat colleges did you
attend? Bachelors - William Carey
University, Masters - Adams State
University, Doctorate - California
Southern University (currently enrolled)How did you get into
teaching? I knew from the beginning
that I wanted to be a teacher. I enrolled in a Music and English Education
program right after high school.How long have you been
teaching? 19 yearsHow do you prepare for
classes? I use my daily planner in
conjunction with my digital calendar, so that I don't forget students that I
need to meet with and important meetings that I must attend.How do you nurture
relationships in the classroom? I let students know that my
classroom/office is a safe place. All students can be who they are in my
office, and I will protect them and celebrate them. I also try to get to know
my students and show them that I am truly interested in their lives!How do you connect with
your students? I validate their concerns and
show them that what they are worried is about is relatable and understandable.
I try to be real with my students and share with them my own similar experiences. How do your past student,
peers or administrators describe you? My past students would say
that I am a little strict in my classroom but that the time flies by and they
learn a lot. My past administrators would most likely say that I love my job
and I work really hard. They would also say that I worry too much and try too hard to do
everything perfectly (to a fault).What is the greatest
success you've had with teaching? When I see how counseling
services makes a difference with my students, and I'm able to help them and
advocate and protect my students, those are the greatest successes that I
experience as school counselor.What is the greatest
challenge facing teachers?Students are facing so many
struggles such as trauma, social media, friends and peer pressures, family
issues, that it is hard to get some students to care about their education and
their learning. It is difficult for teachers to find a way to break through all
of that and help their students to care about learning.
Student Athlete of the Month: Caden Hill, 6th GradeInterview By Cate Harper
What do you see yourself accomplishing in five to ten years? I want to be the one of the best scholar-athletes in the nation.
Are there any short-term goals you'd like to accomplish in the next few months to a couple of years? I'd like to get all As for the rest of the school year and see my crypto investments triple.
What do you believe to be one of your weaknesses and what are you doing to improve it? I don't take failure well, so I am working on understanding that failure leads to success.
Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of sports? I like playing the Ps4, reading, and bey blading.
Which strengths do you believe you have that makes you a great athlete? Being a fast learner, speed and awareness.
Which sports is your favorite to play and why? Football because I enjoy the crowd after I make a play.
Why are you so passionate about playing sports? I'm so passionate about sports because I've been playing sports since I was 4 years old and because I have a desire to be great.
Is there a coach or athlete that you look up to? My father because he played for the Tennessee Titans and Florida Gators.
Rank the top five priorities currently in your life, what clubs, team or other extracurricular activities are involved in aside from sports? Family, friends, school, traveling and gaming. None at the moment but that could change at any time.
Words of wisdom you would like to share? Always go your hardest when you're given the chance.
Coach of the Month: Brett Wolfe6th Grade Math and Head Coach of the Girls' Basketball TeamInterview by Cate Harper
Why did you want to become a coach? I wanted to become a coach because I wanted to have an impact on young players. I wanted to teach them how to do the right things on and off the court.
Can you describe what a typical practice looks like for your team/s? Practices for us are fast paced, physical, and enthusiastic. Our girls work really hard to get better each and every day.
What are your core values as a coach? My core values are: 1) Practice with a purpose , 2) Be a good teammate, 3) Go 100% at everything you do.
How do you view the relationships between academics and athletics? I tell my players "If I can't trust you in the classroom, then I definitely can't trust you on the court." I have expectations for my players in the classroom, and they know the consequences if they don't meet those expectations.
How do you develop community support for the team? Our community support has always been fantastic since I've been at OMS. We try to stay active on twitter and other social medias to keep the community updated on how we are performing as a team and what our schedule is.
What approach do you take when your team is struggling? When we struggle, I like to ask the girls what is it that they think we are struggling with. Usually when the girls can identify the problems themselves, it helps them understand what they have to work at to get better. I also enjoy watching film of our games with the girls. I think when they see themselves making mistakes, it helps them correct it.
Describe what your bench area looks like during games. I always encourage our bench to be enthusiastic and hyped up during our games. Encouragement and momentum are important parts of a basketball game. Every player has a job, and if your job is to get behind your teammates on the bench, then I expect you to be the best that you can be at your job.
What are your off-season expectations? For the off-season, I want the girls to be playing AAU or some type of travel basketball on a team. The only way to get better is to continuously at work.
How would you handle criticism? Criticism to me is just part of being the head coach of a basketball team. Not everyone is going to agree with everything you do. I don't listen to the outside noise from spectators. I have full trust in my assistant coach and my players that we are doing things the right way.
How do you handle parents who have concerns about their child's playing time? I am very open and honest with parents about where their child is in a terms of playing time. I encourage parents to schedule a face to face meeting with me and their child and I will discuss playing time with them.
Parting words? I am very blessed to be the head coach of this basketball team and I have been fortunate enough to have a lot of really good players and really supportive parents. We ask a lot out of the kids and their families. Their willingness to work hard is the reason that we are competing for the championships each year.
The Journey of Jerry, Harry, and LarryPart I: The Dungeons from Beneath the Earth and Through the Raca RocksBy Wes SandsThree brothers have heard of a place with no stress and calamity and try to seek this passive land. The ruler has kept this place under rule for many decades. His name is Emperor Hehe Haha. Little do the Emperor and the boys know is that the Emperor’s son is seeking the throne from his father and will do any undetected way to murder his father and make this land powerful, turbulent, and corrupted. We must find a way to stop him but how...
There in a town were three brothers – Jerry, Harry, and Larry. They had promised to never give up on each other even when the hardest trials came by. They each moved from their original town to a place called “Fantasy Land.” It was described as a place where there is great peace, abnormal creatures, and magic.
The ruler was Emperor Hehe Haha, who kept this place under control since 1964. His father, Emperor Haha Haha, brought magic into this land. Ever since, this land had been the best place to live.
Three brothers have heard of a place with no stress and calamity and try to seek this passive land. The ruler has kept this place under rule for many decades. His name is Emperor Hehe Haha. Little do the Emperor and the boys know is that the Emperor’s son is seeking the throne from his father and will do any undetected way to murder his father and make this land powerful, turbulent, and corrupted. We must find a way to stop him but how...
There in a town were three brothers – Jerry, Harry, and Larry. They had promised to never give up on each other even when the hardest trials came by. They each moved from their original town to a place called “Fantasy Land.” It was described as a place where there is great peace, abnormal creatures, and magic.
The ruler was Emperor Hehe Haha, who kept this place under control since 1964. His father, Emperor Haha Haha, brought magic into this land. Ever since, this land had been the best place to live.
While the three brothers were walking, a person in a car-like machine said, “Don’t walk. I have a locomotive that can bring you there quickly.” They figured out that this person was a tutor and wanted to show them this region. She showed them everything, from the palace to the mystical mountains, to the strange forests, and all the bodies of water and the great glacier. She then dropped them off at a small community and then left them.

Photo by Pexels
So, the three brothers did a currency conversion because this was a different place. They each bought their own house, and they rested inside for the rest of the day because it was a long way from their original town. The next morning, they visited a museum of relics and legendary gems. The museum trip was normal until the time they were in the last display area called “Cursed Items.” They saw an adolescent scaling the glass wall, and then broke the glass and stole the Opal of Oppression. The Opal of Oppression was described as, “Whoever touches the gem will be severely impacted in a negative way, and the curse extends to relatives.” But an old person beside Larry took it even further. The old person said, “The Opal reflects the face of whoever was affected by the curse, and if the person who touched the stone touches the stone again will find out what happened to whom that received the curse, for I know this from experience because I was the one who discovered this forbidden stone.”

Photo by Ruzaidee Saaluddin from Pexels
The adolescent tapped it again, and he seemed to be happy and then dashed away and went into the royal palace. The boys followed their instincts and chased the teenager. It led them to the royal hall, and they found Emperor Hehe Haha dead. The gem must have killed him, because when they investigated his body, there was not a single mark on his body so that was the only possible explanation. “I am the son of Emperor Hehe Haha, and now his fate has come. Just call me Emperor Mwah Haha.”

Photo by Keith Lobo from Pexels
The brothers left the palace, and they saw castles gradually rising from the ground that spawned in the mountain range, forest, and glacier. They thought about those forts, and they thought it was lunacy. But of course, they all agreed this was a boring place to live, and they needed something to happen to them.
So, they went to the Mystical Mountains, and they found some primitive creatures holding unadvanced weapons. They remembered the tutor that had told them about the “mindless but brutal” Racas. Those people looked just like how she described them. The Racas, of course, were very undeveloped, so the brothers grabbed their throwing spears that they had missed them with and slaughtered a Raca gang and proceeded to the Raca Rocks. The place seemed deserted when they walked in. So, they rested by a slope inside the Raca Rocks.

Photo by Chris F from Pexels
Late that night, they heard loud chittering, and they woke up to find Racas pushing down giant rocks down the hill. They took out their bow and arrows to annihilate the Racas, and they finally obliterated the Raca invasion. When they went on with their day, they came across a great chasm. A giant bird made from rocks swooped down at them at a frightening speed. Then the bird stopped at them. Then it said, “I am a Rock-Roc which is a cross between a rock and the mythical bird the Roc. Climb on my back so you may survive this pit and avoid the evil Rock-Rocs and the propeller wolves, which are wolves with claw shooting paws that can fly with their propeller tails.”

Photo by Couleur from Pexels
They did as they were told, and they climbed onto the back of the Rock-Roc. It felt great for them to fly, for they have never set foot off the land.
Then the sound of howling wolves and cackling birds went across the empty place, and they realized this was a bad thing. The propeller wolves and Rock-Rocs dived at them. The Rock-Rocs were spitting out boulders, and the propeller wolves were shooting out their claws at them. The Rock-Roc that was carrying them fell down, and they went down with it too.
They collapsed onto a container filled with money! They realized this was a mineshaft ant. This is where the Racas mined for gold, silver, copper, ruby, emerald, sapphire, amethyst, platinum, diamond, and the most precious of them all, the legendary Raca gem. So, they took this situation to their advantage and looted the carts and jumped from cart-to-cart stealing all the money they could find. They even took a Raca miner’s pickaxe away from him. Then they found a hole on the edge of the cliff they intended to go to. They climbed inside of the hole, then the ground beneath them began to shake. Then a treasure golem climbed out of the hole that was created by the shaking ground. But because they had the pickaxe, they were able to break the treasure golem’s rocky body and killed it.
Then, a bird- brained bird flew around in circles and smashed the pillars around them. Then they fell down and landed on a rocky floor. They were surrounded by darkness. Eventually, the place brightened up, and they found out they were trapped in an arena filled with a Raca audience.

Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels
They released a huge bird-brain bird which flew around in circles at high speed which, in their favor, collapsed the arena. They left the ruins and fell down. They landed in a gargantuan pile of gold. They took as much of it as they could hold and then they found an orb. But it was not an orb - it was an eye! A dragon emerged from the money and breathed flames like a drunk person, and they found a Raca gem and tipped their arrow with it and fired it at the dragon. The dragon flew away in agony, and they left the Raca rocks...
SERIESBy Skilla Aguilar and Rhea Brewer
Let’s jump back into real time, shall we? Journal Entry 27 11|09|43 What happened to Honora? Honora was always there for us, but one day he just... disappeared. But that’s not completely true, is it? Sensei had already foretold this, “Though you may be gone, your teammates’ spirit will always be trailing behind you, creeping up on every thought you make, every breath you breathe, and every-time you close your eyes.” At least that’s what I heard being recited to Honora before the disappearance of our superior. But what actually happened? I feel as though I’ve been drained from the truth, hiding in the shadows whilst I’m stuck in the sun. I can’t help but wonder, does Art know? She has this longing in her eyes every time I question about the “incident” as if she can’t tell me. (END OF JOURNAL ENTRY 27 -VAL) “You seem tense,” Art questioned, “did something happen perhaps?” “No, no, it’s just… I saw Honora again, this time we made eye contact,” Val replied. (VAL NARRATING) These types of conversations happened daily. I go out adventuring, spot Honora, and get questioned by Art as if she needs to know everything that happened while I was out seeking. Honora has distanced himself, high on a cloud, and never comes down, besides at midnight. One time I spot him roaming during the witch’s hour. Honora has been up there ever since Sensei left, or at least… that’s what I remember. Have I done something wrong? Am I not supposed to know something? Do they not want me to know something? I feel left out. JOURNAL ENTRY 34 11|16|43 I keep seeing Art handing off paper to birds. Is it a letter? Even so, who is it to? We never really contact the villagers outside of our land, but I’ll keep searching. JOURNAL ENTRY 36 11|18|43 I don’t really know anymore. I see the bird heading off in different directions daily. To whom is Art writing to? She refuses to let me know… but it’s okay. I have a suspicion that she’s continuously writing to Honora, but I lack any evidence. Maybe one day I’ll know why they refuse to tell me things. (END OF JOURNAL ENTRY 36)

Art work by Rhea Brewer and Skilla Aguilar
“Ever since the “incident” you’ve been acting strange! Why is everything different!?” Val yelled. “You don’t know anything, maybe you should just keep your mouth shut instead of babbling about how nobody likes you!” Art screamed without mercy. (VAL’S POV) I didn’t know she thought of me that way... Is that all they think of me? Just a blabbering scumbag? Is that why Honora left...? (ART’S POV) I didn’t mean to lash out like that, but I got fed up. Val doesn’t understand anything! Maybe they should just take a hint already and keep their mouth SHUT. But I can’t blame them… they don’t remember anything from that evening, which in my case is a good thing. That horrid night of bloodshed and tears, then out of nowhere a large explosive landed next to Val. I’m happy their alive, but maybe it’d be better off if I never mentioned anything in the first place. Before I could even begin to apologize Val already had their back facing me, turned around, slowly walking off. “I’m sorry-,” I tried to mumble out, but Val lacked a response. They don’t need to accept my apology; I’ve already caused so much harm. (END OF ART’S POV) (HONORA’S POV) I stay in my humble abode every day, watching the clouds maneuver around my isolated resting area, it’s quite peaceful. Though I can’t help but get bored sometimes. I know I shouldn’t go down there in case of someone spotting me, but what more harm is there to cause if it’s all been done already? I occasionally will come down, but every-time gets cut short because of Val’s ignorant exploring. It’s hard to miss spotting me at noon though, so I’ve adjusted to going out at midnight, this way the locals don’t catch a glimpse of me “returning.” WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? FIND OUT IN THE NEXT ISSUE!
Post-Halloween Joke TimeByWes Sands

Photo by Monstera from Pexels
1. What do you call a mummy
who is obsessed with singing?
2. What is a skeleton’s
choice instrument?
3. What is a ghost’s favorite
4. What lake do vampires swim
5. What do you get when you
cross a duck and a vampire?
6. What is a monster’s
favorite pepper?
7. Why are graveyards so
8. What is a scarecrow's
favorite fruit?
9. What do witches ask for at
10. What are witches'
favorite subject?
11. What did one ghost say to
the other ghost?
12. How do scarecrows drink?
13. What room will you not
find in a ghost’s house?
14. What do vegan zombies
15. Why didn’t the ghost
dance at the party?
*Remember, the first person
to answer 8 jokes correctly and send your answers via email to will get a free prize from the OMS Chronicle!
Social Media: A ReviewBySkilla Aguilar
Social media nowadays plays a big role in what we do in our daily lives. It can impact people in many ways, some being good, while others... not so much. It can have its pros but of course, every pro comes with its cons and judgments. The internet can allow people to see the outside world even from your bedroom. You can learn about different cultures and many new things you may have never known about. There are learning activities, new friends, and many more possibilities you can discover like learning what your interests are and learn others’ opinions. This seems like a dream come true, but it can and will have major downsides.

Photo by Max Fischer from Pexels
Many different people have access to post things on many social platforms. Some can be helpful while others can cause trauma or even affect what others think of themselves. Some people who aren’t in their right mind will share links to things that can be inappropriate or even flat down traumatizing. Just simple things like this can affect someone’s life in a major way and most likely, not in a very good way.
While the three brothers were walking, a person in a car-like machine said, “Don’t walk. I have a locomotive that can bring you there quickly.” They figured out that this person was a tutor and wanted to show them this region. She showed them everything, from the palace to the mystical mountains, to the strange forests, and all the bodies of water and the great glacier. She then dropped them off at a small community and then left them.
Photo by Pexels |
Photo by Ruzaidee Saaluddin from Pexels |
Photo by Keith Lobo from Pexels |
The brothers left the palace, and they saw castles gradually rising from the ground that spawned in the mountain range, forest, and glacier. They thought about those forts, and they thought it was lunacy. But of course, they all agreed this was a boring place to live, and they needed something to happen to them.
So, they went to the Mystical Mountains, and they found some primitive creatures holding unadvanced weapons. They remembered the tutor that had told them about the “mindless but brutal” Racas. Those people looked just like how she described them. The Racas, of course, were very undeveloped, so the brothers grabbed their throwing spears that they had missed them with and slaughtered a Raca gang and proceeded to the Raca Rocks. The place seemed deserted when they walked in. So, they rested by a slope inside the Raca Rocks.
Photo by Chris F from Pexels |
Late that night, they heard loud chittering, and they woke up to find Racas pushing down giant rocks down the hill. They took out their bow and arrows to annihilate the Racas, and they finally obliterated the Raca invasion. When they went on with their day, they came across a great chasm. A giant bird made from rocks swooped down at them at a frightening speed. Then the bird stopped at them. Then it said, “I am a Rock-Roc which is a cross between a rock and the mythical bird the Roc. Climb on my back so you may survive this pit and avoid the evil Rock-Rocs and the propeller wolves, which are wolves with claw shooting paws that can fly with their propeller tails.”
Photo by Couleur from Pexels |
They did as they were told, and they climbed onto the back of the Rock-Roc. It felt great for them to fly, for they have never set foot off the land.
Then the sound of howling wolves and cackling birds went across the empty place, and they realized this was a bad thing. The propeller wolves and Rock-Rocs dived at them. The Rock-Rocs were spitting out boulders, and the propeller wolves were shooting out their claws at them. The Rock-Roc that was carrying them fell down, and they went down with it too.
They collapsed onto a container filled with money! They realized this was a mineshaft ant. This is where the Racas mined for gold, silver, copper, ruby, emerald, sapphire, amethyst, platinum, diamond, and the most precious of them all, the legendary Raca gem. So, they took this situation to their advantage and looted the carts and jumped from cart-to-cart stealing all the money they could find. They even took a Raca miner’s pickaxe away from him. Then they found a hole on the edge of the cliff they intended to go to. They climbed inside of the hole, then the ground beneath them began to shake. Then a treasure golem climbed out of the hole that was created by the shaking ground. But because they had the pickaxe, they were able to break the treasure golem’s rocky body and killed it.
Then, a bird- brained bird flew around in circles and smashed the pillars around them. Then they fell down and landed on a rocky floor. They were surrounded by darkness. Eventually, the place brightened up, and they found out they were trapped in an arena filled with a Raca audience.
Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels |
They released a huge bird-brain bird which flew around in circles at high speed which, in their favor, collapsed the arena. They left the ruins and fell down. They landed in a gargantuan pile of gold. They took as much of it as they could hold and then they found an orb. But it was not an orb - it was an eye! A dragon emerged from the money and breathed flames like a drunk person, and they found a Raca gem and tipped their arrow with it and fired it at the dragon. The dragon flew away in agony, and they left the Raca rocks...
Art work by Rhea Brewer and Skilla Aguilar |
Photo by Monstera from Pexels |
1. What do you call a mummy who is obsessed with singing?
2. What is a skeleton’s choice instrument?
3. What is a ghost’s favorite dessert?
4. What lake do vampires swim at?
5. What do you get when you cross a duck and a vampire?
6. What is a monster’s favorite pepper?
7. Why are graveyards so noisy?
8. What is a scarecrow's favorite fruit?
9. What do witches ask for at hotels?
10. What are witches' favorite subject?
11. What did one ghost say to the other ghost?
12. How do scarecrows drink?
13. What room will you not find in a ghost’s house?
14. What do vegan zombies eat?
15. Why didn’t the ghost dance at the party?
*Remember, the first person to answer 8 jokes correctly and send your answers via email to will get a free prize from the OMS Chronicle!
Social Media: A ReviewBySkilla Aguilar
Photo by Max Fischer from Pexels |
In my opinion, social media is a wonderful experience if you know what you are doing or know how to handle difficult situations. Some people go on platforms for comfort to escape reality. Others may go just to have a good laugh. And others… can have a chance of coming across something that they wish they never saw. Rumors and videos spread like a disease that can’t be controlled which lead to serious problems. In my opinion, as long as you’re extremely careful and meet the right people, the internet can be a wonderful experience. But you must be aware that there are crazy people out there who have no care in the world as what happens to you or others. If you’re going to give it a try, be careful and get assistance if you’re not sure what to do in any situation. Other that that, it is a magical world, waiting to be explored by you.JOIN OUR MOVEMENT. PLACE AN AD. DONATE. SUPPORT MIDDLE SCHOOL JOURNALISM. SPREAD THE WORD.
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